• Professional Environmental Services LLC
  • 71 Holly Ave.
  • Lynn, MA 01904
  • (781) 731-3708
  • pesllcne@gmail.com
golf course vegetation management

Golf Course Vegetation Management

Golf Course and Recreation Area Vegetation Management is an important component to these activities since the public is being invited, either for a fee or not to utilize these spaces for recreational activities. When people are interfacing with an overhead tree canopy area, they are subjecting themselves to poor tree health situations that exist within that tree canopy.

PES, LLC will conduct a Tree Health Survey annually, in order to identify these tree conditions in the traveled walkways and passive recreation areas and recommend a prioritized planned approach to remediate the dangers that exist.

PES, LLC will provide a range of services from conducting the Tree Health Survey of poor health conditions to the removal of such conditions depending on the desires of the client.